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How to Build A Winning Culture for the Manufacturing Industry?

Morten Bechlund - Norican Group - Testimonial for HubEngage

Morten Bechlund, Senior Vice President of People & Performance at Norican Group talks about how they tackled their company-wide communication obstacles with the help of the HubEngage platform. As a result, today they are able to connect all their employees globally, keeping them informed of happenings from their offices and factories across multiple geographies. Hear about their experience from him and what it’s like working with HubEngage.


Q1. Tell us a bit about the Norican Group and your role over there.

My name is Morten Bechlund, Senior Vice President of People & Performance at Norican Group. NorCal group is a global corporation covering for different power brands: 1, 2, 3, and 4. WHAT ARE THOSE NAMES? We have approximately 2,000 employees across the North American continent across Europe and India and Asia Pacific. 

Q2. What specific need were you trying to address?

Well, before we launched our app platform back in 2017, we had challenges from a communication standpoint, as we did not have this cross group internal communication method besides our internet, which was not really being used. We were mainly communicating by email, sending out mass messages to the group whenever we had any announcements and that’s really you only do that for a very specific, quite formal announcements which meant that local ideas, thoughts, or experiences, events which only share it in a very local community. The Norican Group as I said before is a global company, and from a Global Perspective we have a lot of smaller representation spread out over multiple continents, multiple countries and therefore we have been in need of a platform that could help us create some transparency across our group and help us not only as leaders of the business but all employees of the business to have a platform where we can share ideas thoughts experiences with customers and turn as well as externally. 

Q3. How were you able to connect with your employees using the HubEngage platform?

We were lacking this communication which was what led us to the HubEngage platform as an opportunity to have something which is maybe less formal than these very strict memos from the corporate. But Also as an opportunity for our colleagues in North America to see what is actually happening; How does our site in Shanghai actually looK? If we create/establish a new Factory in India, well, let’s share pictures from the event and thereby also share with all employees. An office administrator in Germany can actually see what’s our physical location in Shanghai or in India actually. We can share corporate information about changes in the organization about the status for the years as well as these more social dimensions. Such as, we just ran a Christmas calendar quiz. This was, last december where employees can read facts about various parts of the organization and then share participating in a quiz with a prize. So with multiplier social dimensions, multiple formality levels, and I think that’s one of the strengths of the tools. 

Q4. What impact did HubEngage have on Norican Group’s overall employee engagement?

We see now that we are getting increased engagement from all teams. We see that we get a platform that is becoming more and more accepted as the internal communications platform for Norican, and this is something that’s really giving us a great basis for future internal communication within the Norican Group. 

Q5. How has your experience been working with HubEngage so far?

Well, Working with the HubEngage team, working with Tushneem has been flexible. It has been a platform where we have has as a user and as a customer, we have had a lot of say in how we want to design it and how we want to structure it, how we want to work with it. And I think also, as we have worked now with HubEngage for almost 4 years, HubEngage has been very responsive to our input, listening to our ideas and have been very quick to react on needs or if we found a bug it was resolved very, very fast and we have been very satisfied with the responsiveness. We have liked the corporation and have enjoyed the flexibility of the platform.

Learn more about how to build a unified global work culture for the manufacturing industry here.

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