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CEO’s Guide to Employee Engagement: Enriching Content with Media

Enriching Content with Media to boost employee engagement

In “The Age of Visual Culture” posts with different types of media will receive higher engagement. An engaging video boosts your chances for higher engagement even further.


Social posts with images receive 2.3 times more engagement than those without. Posts with images receive 37% more engagement on Facebook. We live in “The Age of Visual Culture” with cameras in every pocket. It is estimated that over 1.4 trillion pictures will be taken in 2020. With a staggering number like that, images are to be expected with every post. An engaging video boosts your chances for higher engagement even further. The average viewer’s attention span on social media is 8 seconds which is why images work so well. But when you need them to stop and pay attention, a video is a great vessel for delivering longer messages without having your viewers lose interest because they have to read too much. And as more time goes by, video is widely becoming the preferred content/media method.

Just like social media, the same rules apply to your businesses’ internal communications and engagement platform. When creating content for the employee population always make sure to include a form of visual to make sure to catch every viewer’s attention. Video streaming is an effective way to keep your viewers’ attention for longer spans of time. 80% of people would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog. By the end of 2020, live streaming is expected to account for 82% of all internet traffic.

Keeping all these highly influential stats in mind, we’ve made sure that you are able to upload any sort of media you’d like as part of the content you’re sharing on your internal engagement and communications platform. You can even live stream videos effortlessly for as long as you want. Stream all your videos from our secure cloud or link to popular video sharing services such as YouTube, Vimeo, and others.

There are 3 ways to add videos to your content on our platform:

  1. Post a link from a host like YouTube or Vimeo and have it stream directly from there.
  2. Upload the video to the HubEngage servers and stream it from there. You can use it in your social feed just like any other social network and post a video.
  3. Lastly, create content as an admin and place a video using the inline editor so the post has media-rich content like videos embedded into text (same with images or documents).

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